The South Lake Middle School Counseling Program is committed to advocatting for every student's success and achievement in the areas of academic, career-building, and personal/social development. This will be done through:
Core Counseling Curriculum
- School-wide and classroom guidance prevention activities including the following topics:
- Stress management and mindfulness
- College and Career exploration
- Academic success strategies
Intentional Guidance
- Using data to identify, address, and monitor the academic and behavioral needs of students
- Facilitating small groups focusing on student needs such as positive decision making, goal-setting, family changes, positive decision making, grief, and self-control
- Creating and supporting academic support plans
- Participating in student/parent/teacher meetings
- Acts as student support liaison and case carrier for Section 504 Accommodation Plans
- Short-term individual counseling (6-8 sessions)
- Referrals to outside resources (counseling, parenting classes, community resources)
I have a student who needs extra support -- how can I get them help? Depending on the situation you can recommend the student come to the counseling office to set up an appointment, contact us directly, speak with their parents about counseling services, or a combination of these. In addition, any insight you can provide from your perspective is always very useful.
Confidentiality The American School Counselor Association Ethical Standards states "The professional school counselor keeps information confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the counselee or others..." Therefore, we cannot always share what students and/or families disclose during meetings unless they would like others to know. We will, however, work with you to ensure the student's needs are being met in the classroom based on their situation.