8/23/24 Newsletter

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Good Afternoon South Lake Families, 

This week, we spent a lot of time teaching students what it means to be a Shark and South Lake Cares: Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Each Other, Take Care of Our School. Middle school students are going through a tremendous amount of changes – they are developing cognitively, socially and emotionally. We go over strategies for how to manage themselves, how to navigate relationships and interactions with peers and adults, and how to best represent our community. Ultimately, our goal is to create a positive school culture, where students feel they belong and that starts with how we treat one another, care for our community and show respect and kindness. Here are some of the expectations we went over with all students:


Take Care of Yourself

Take Care of Each Other

Take Care of Our School

-Bring Chromebook to school charged everyday 

-Cell Phones are not permitted to be used at school and will be confiscated if they are out 

-Use inclusive language…Hate Speech is never permitted

-Use the Planner effectively

-Maintain physical boundaries 

-Get lots of sleep!

-It’s okay to make a mistake as long as we learn from it!

-Use inclusive and positive language with each other both in person and online…Hate Speech is not permitted 

-Cyberbullying is not acceptable

-Keep physical boundaries with one another so that you are safe

-Welcome new students to our campus

-Be responsible online and using respectful language 


-Keep our campus clean including our bathrooms

-Represent our school well in the community 

-Accept redirection from all adults on campus

-Where a helmet and follow guidelines for riding an e-Bike


Thank you for reinforcing South Lake Cares with your Shark so that together, we encourage students to be their best selves and know that when we fall short, it is okay! We will continue to teach and reinforce these throughout the school year. 
Thank you for Parent/Guardians who attended our Orientation earlier this week. We were able to review our instructional program and practices, our behavior and work habit expectations, and tips to support your student. Here are some of the tips we shared:
Your Child Needs Firm Boundaries:

  • Students should not sleep with their phone/Chromebook in their room.
  • Know who they are hanging out with and where they are.
  • Have access to their social media and monitor closely.

Your Child Needs Check-ins:

  • Provide a safe space for them to vent…be a good listener!
  • Keep tabs on their progress and check their Planner routinely.
  • Help them size the problem—understand that not everything is BIG.

Your Child is Growing their Independence:

  • Be a listener, not a problem solver.
  • Encourage them to advocate for themselves.
  • Build their confidence—it's okay to make mistakes!

Additional Tips:

  • Ensure they get lots of sleep.
  • Stay connected with your child.
  • No need to match their emotions – stay calm! 
  • Attend school and avoid extensive absences.

Next week, we have Back to School Night on Thursday, August 29th. For parents with students in Bonus Period PE, we will begin at 5:40pm. At 6:00pm, all parents will begin in their students Homeroom class. Your student will be creating a locator card for you to use. Your student’s schedule is also on Aeries. We strongly encourage parent/guardians to attend to learn about your student’s classes and meet their teachers. This is not time to share personal information, please contact teachers directly to share. 
You will notice that we DO NOT have a Late Start on Thursday, August 29th. Instead we have an Early Out so that our teachers can get prepared. School is over at 1:30pm. There is also a Minimum Day on Friday, August 30th before the Labor Day Weekend. Students will take their school pictures on Friday. The information for purchasing pictures through South Coast Photography is HERE. The schedule for the week is listed below. 
It is going to be an amazing year Sharks!
In kindness,
Belinda Averill

Schedule for the Week of August 26th - August 30th






Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm Bonus Period PE

Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

Odd Periods

Late Start

9:00am – 3:02pm

Even Periods

NO Late Start

8:15am – 1:30pm 

Bonus Period PE

Early Out

Back to School Night

Minimum Day 

8:15am – 12:30pm

Bonus Period PE

Picture Day 

South Lake Information and Resources

PTSA Information
Welcome back South Lake Families (Welcome Letter)! Your South Lake PTSA is excited to start the new school year with you! We have a few updates for you with things that are already underway, and WE NEED YOU!
Membership and our Direct Donation Drive is happening now. Please visit our South Lake PTSA website by clicking here https://linktr.ee/southlakeptsa. Donate by Friday 8/30 and your student will be entered into the raffle for awesome prizes that include a Dave & Buster’s basket with Power Cards, Raising Cane’s basket with gift cards and a gorjana gift card for $150 just to name a few!

The first general PTSA meeting is 8/28 @ 9:15 in the staff lounge. Follow us on Instagram for up-to-date information @southlakeptsa.
Our South Lake community keeps our PTSA going with their generous donations through our Direct Donation Drive to enhance all our students experience for the school year. We need your support! If you have any questions, please reach out to our South Lake PTSA President, Jill Pearson at JillKPearson@gmail.com. We look forward to getting to know all our South Lake families this year!

Math Competition
We are excited to invite you to join our SLMS Math Competition Team! This is a fantastic opportunity for students to challenge their problem-solving abilities, improve their math skills, and help raise money for our PTSA and community. The team will practice once a week in person, starting the week of September 16th, in Room 503. The competition will take place on January 22nd.
Please click the link to sign up. If you have any questions, please feel free to email gregorydharman@iusd.org. We hope to see your student join us for this exciting challenge!

OCTA Transportation Information 
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is excited to announce the continuation of their “Youth Ride Free” promotional bus pass program.  This pass allows youth ages 6 to 18 to ride all OC fixed-route buses every day for free.  Last year’s purple/orange Youth Ride Free Passes expire September 30, 2024; the new blue Youth Ride Free Passes are valid now through September 30, 2025, and require a new Parent Request Form for each recipient.  To participate in the program complete a new Parent Request Form, available using the below links, printed forms are also available in the front office. 

Return the completed and signed Parent Request Form to the front office to be issued a blue youth bus pass for the 2024-25 school year. 
Parent Request Form:

OC Bus Ride Guide – How to Ride:

For more information regarding the program visit: OCbus.com/YouthRideFree.


OC Connect is another option for students. This is a free shuttle service that runs every 20 minutes between the northern end of Irvine and the Irvine Train Station.  This route drops off at Woodbridge High which is a short walk from here. The IrvineCONNECT webpage may be accessed through this link:  https://www.cityofirvine.org/transportation/irvine-connect. On the webpage there is a link to track the shuttles in real time, which can be used in a similar way to watching for an Uber to see how far out it is.

e-Vehicle Registration
e-Vehicle Registration is required for students in IUSD wanting to ride and park their electric vehicle on campus. Students and at least one parent/guardian must attend eVehicle Training at one of the high schools. Upon completion of the orientation, students will be able to register their vehicle (e-bike, e-scooter, e-skateboard) with Mr. Vasquez, Campus Security, to receive a registration sticker to be able to park at school. Students are expected to adhere to ALL safety guidelines reviewed in the orientation in order to continue to park on campus. Students who attended in the past, do not need to attend again. 
Students who already have completed the training and have a sticker, MUST complete the SLMS e-Vehicle Registration Form 2024 and indicate your sticker number. Please submit to Mr. Vasquez at the start of school.  

Middle School Program (MSP)
If you are looking for great after school activities for your students that build community, have service components and are just plain fun…there are several upcoming events and classes to get involved with through our Middle School Programs hosted by the city of Irvine. Each of the flyers below have information about registration, cost and contact information. For more information, please contact Site Coordinator Karley Abeyrama at (949) 724-7190 or at KAbeyrama@cityofirvine.org


Bell Schedule
The 2024-2025 Bell Schedule includes all the minimum days and special schedules for the year.  Please make sure to review the start and end times for these schedules.  

Stay Connected
Stay connected by checking your email for communication from South Lake and IUSD.  South Lake is also on Instagram @southlakemiddleschool and our website is at www.southlake.iusd.org