9/13/24 Newsletter

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Good Afternoon South Lake Families, 

As we navigate the challenges of raising digitally savvy children, it’s crucial to stay informed about the impact of digital media on middle schoolers. Research shows that excessive screen time and digital addiction can affect kids aged 12 and up in several ways. Studies have found links between prolonged use of digital devices and mental health issues, including increased anxiety, depression, and disrupted sleep patterns. On average, children who spend more than three hours a day on screens are more likely to experience emotional and behavioral challenges.

In addition to mental health, excessive screen time can hinder academic performance. Students who regularly multitask between schoolwork and digital media may struggle with concentration and retention of information. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, balancing digital consumption with other activities—like exercise, social interaction, and hobbies—can help mitigate these effects.

As parents and educators, it’s important that we model healthy screen habits and encourage offline activities to support our children’s well-being. Here are three tips to help families manage digital media use:

1. Create Screen-Free Zones: Designate certain areas in your home, like the dinner table or bedrooms, as screen-free zones. By setting physical boundaries, you help your child learn the importance of balance and create opportunities for family connection and conversation.
2. Set Digital Curfews: Establishing a time when devices need to be turned off—an hour or two before bed—can improve sleep quality. Studies show that exposure to blue light before bedtime can interfere with sleep, so setting a curfew can support your child's mental and physical health.
3. Encourage Digital Mindfulness: Talk openly with your child about how they feel after spending time online. Encourage them to reflect on the content they engage with and how it makes them feel. Teaching digital mindfulness helps them become more aware of their media consumption and promotes healthier habits.
4. Prioritize Digital Safety: Ensure your child knows how to stay safe online. Talk about privacy settings, the importance of not sharing personal information, and how to handle uncomfortable situations. Encourage them to come to you if they ever feel unsure about something they encounter online.
5. Practice Kindness Online: Remind your child that words matter, both online and offline. Encourage them to be kind and respectful in their interactions, to avoid cyberbullying, and to support others who may be facing negativity. Teaching digital empathy will help build a more positive online community.
Together, we can help our students navigate the digital world while staying grounded in real-life experiences.

We hope you enjoy your weekend…it’s a great day to be a Shark! 
In kindness,
Belinda Averill

Schedule for the Week of September 16th - 20th 






Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

Odd Periods

Late Start

9:00am – 3:02pm 

Shark Night Out 

Chronic Tacos

Even Periods

Late Start

9:00am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

South Lake Information and Resources

PTSA Information
Please follow your South Lake PTSA @southlakeptsa to get all your up-to-date information! If you have any questions about PTSA please reach out to our South Lake PTSA President, Jill Pearson at JillKPearson@gmail.com OR please click HERE for all our PTSA Links!

PTSA – Shark Night Out: Wednesday, September 18th All Day
Please join us for some fun with our South Lake Community at Chronic Tacos and Handel’s Homemade Ice Cream on Wednesday, September 18th! South Lake will receive a percentage back for all sales, all day, so please bring friends and family and load up on tacos and ice cream and please let them know you are with South Lake! Please take pics and tag us @southlakepta. We look forward to seeing everyone!

PTSA – Reflections: “Accepting Imperfections”
Calling all creatives! Please consider participating in our Reflections contest that is going on now. Deadline to submit your project is October 4th. Students must submit an entry form online at Reflections Submission Form. For rules on each category and additional resources, please refer to the following link Rules & Resources.  If you have any questions, please reach out to our Reflection Chairs at southlakereflections2024@gmail.com

School Site Council
We are looking for parents interested in participation in School Site Council (SSC). SSC is an important governing body at South Lake made up of students, staff and parents. The primary role of this committee is to oversee how resources are allocated with the input from all stakeholder groups. SSC meets about 6 times a year after school on Wednesdays (about one time a month). Please fill out this Parent Interest Survey if you would like to join this committee.

Middle School Program (MSP)
If you are looking for great after school activities for your students that build community, have service components and are just plain fun…there are several upcoming events and classes to get involved with through our Middle School Programs hosted by the city of Irvine. Each of the flyers linked below have information about registration, cost and contact information. For more information, please contact Site Coordinator Karley Abeyrama at (949) 724-7190 or at KAbeyrama@cityofirvine.org
Beach Flag Football - September 17th and 19th 
Irvine Bike Adventures - September 10th - 19th on Tues/Thur
Grill Masters - September 17th and 19th  
Outdoor Adventures – September 13th – 30th on Fridays 
Knott's Scary Farm – September 27th & October 11th 
South Lake Movie Night – October 18th  
CO-ED Football – October 15th – November 7th (Tues & Thurs Practice) 
Youth Action Team - Fall
MSP Fall Registration

OCTA Transportation Information 
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is excited to announce the continuation of their “Youth Ride Free” promotional bus pass program.  This pass allows youth ages 6 to 18 to ride all OC fixed-route buses every day for free.  Last year’s purple/orange Youth Ride Free Passes expire September 30, 2024; the new blue Youth Ride Free Passes are valid now through September 30, 2025, and require a new Parent Request Form for each recipient.  To participate in the program complete a new Parent Request Form, available using the below links, printed forms are also available in the front office. 
Return the completed and signed Parent Request Form to the front office to be issued a blue youth bus pass for the 2024-25 school year. 
Parent Request Form: 

OC Bus Ride Guide – How to Ride: 

For more information regarding the program visit: OCbus.com/YouthRideFree.  OC Connect is another option for students. This is a free shuttle service that runs every 20 minutes between the northern end of Irvine and the Irvine Train Station.  This route drops off at Woodbridge High which is a short walk from here. The IrvineCONNECT webpage may be accessed through this link:  https://www.cityofirvine.org/transportation/irvine-connect. On the webpage there is a link to track the shuttles in real time, which can be used in a similar way to watching for an Uber to see how far out it is.
Bell Schedule
The 2024-2025 Bell Schedule includes all the minimum days and special schedules for the year.  Please make sure to review the start and end times for these schedules.  

Stay Connected
Stay connected by checking your email for communication from South Lake and IUSD.  South Lake is also on Instagram @southlakemiddleschool and our website is at www.southlake.iusd.org

Upcoming Dates to Calendar

September 18th - Shark Night Out at Chronic Taco  
September 20th – Make-up Picture Day
September 25th – PTSA Meeting
September 25th – School Site Council Meeting