COLOR RUN – Tuesday, February 11th
LET’S DO THIS SOUTH LAKE SHARKS!! Our favorite event of the year is coming up and that means we need our South Lake Community to rally! Lots of information will be coming home, posted on our South Lake social media accounts (Instagram & Facebook) and in our Friday newsletters. We will also be sending Color Run Newsletters every few days to report back to our amazing South Lake Community how awesome the kids are doing fundraising. If you are a PTSA member, you will be getting special emails from me about updates regarding Color Run. You don’t want to miss out on all the great news coming towards your way!
South Lake Color Run Fundraiser - Pledgestar
The Color Run is our biggest fundraiser of the year. We have streamlined our fundraising platform for our 2025 Color Run to make it super easy! Please visit our South Lake Color Run Page to help our Sharks get to their school-wide grand prize goal! There are lots of prizes to be earned and won so please help us get this Color Run Party started!! We are going to do raffles next week for kids that have already donated over this weekend and into next week. We are also grilling at lunch for kids next Friday the 31st for those who have already brought in donations. Deadline to earn prizes is Friday, February 14th. All money raised goes directly back to our South Lake Sharks for this school year!

How to get Donations
Students can ask family, friends, and neighbors to make flat donation. To get started please follow the directions below:
1. Go to https://pledgestar.com/southlake/
2. Enter your name and email address, then click Register
3. Follow the instructions on-screen
Double your Donation
Shark Families, you may be able to double your donation for your child and help them earn more prizes for our Color Run Fundraiser! Most big employers do company matching. They will match your donation to South Lake dollar for dollar up to a certain amount. It is the easiest way to maximize your donation! Please reach out to your HR rep or go to your company’s employee benefits website to check. If you have any questions regarding company match, please reach out to Jill Pearson at JillKPearson@gmail.com.
Color Run Contact Pearson
All things Color Run please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Jill Pearson @ JillKPearson@gmail.com. I can walk you through the employer match, I can talk to you about volunteer opportunities, we can talk about open positions on the board, or we can just sit there and talk about how amazing South Lake is J. I look forward to seeing some of you at the Color Run or anywhere else we might run into each other at school. Thank you, parents and families, for being the most incredible people.

Directions to create a PledgeStar Account can be found below. Please follow this link and the directions below.