South Lake Newsletter August 30, 2024

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Good Afternoon South Lake Families, 

It has been an awesome week here at South Lake. Students are starting to settle into the routine of school and are showing what it means to be a Shark through South Lake Cares. It was wonderful to see so many new and returning families last night at our Back to School Night. If you were unable to attend, please make sure to review your student’s syllabus for each class to become familiar with what to expect. We did review a few key items through Homeroom including:

  • Become familiar with our 2024-2025 Bell Schedulewhich includes dates for Early Out and Minimum Days.  
  • Shark Time is on Wednesday and Thursdays before lunch. This is dedicated time in the school day to provide students with what they need including academic enrichments and/or interventions, interest-based enrichments, and social/emotional supports. Students are assigned to a Shark Time and these will be distributed during Homeroom on Tuesday morning. Students stay in their Shark Time for the trimester and will be able to choose a different Shark Time for next trimester. Students do not get graded for this time, there participation is required and monitored. 
  • Students must bring their ID cards with them at school every – we use them for students to sign into their Shark Time, for lunchtime activities and to check out materials.
  • We reviewed Technology use – students are required to bring their Chromebook charged to school every day. We strongly encourage parent/guardians to purchase Chromebook insurance ($20).
  • Students are NOT permitted to use their Cell Phone during the school day. Please contact the front office at 949-936-6700 if you need to get a hold of your student. 
  • Stay up to date about what is happening at school and in class by reviewing your student’s Planner, becoming a Canvas Observer, checking Parent Portal and visiting our website. 
  • Please read my Newsletter every Friday…THANK YOU!
  • Join PTSA – please see information below.

We hope you enjoy your long weekend…it’s a great day to be a Shark! 
In kindness,
Belinda Averill

Schedule for the Week of September 3rd - 6th 






Labor Day Holiday

Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

Odd Periods

Late Start

9:00am – 3:02pm 

Shark Time Begins

Even Periods

Late Start

9:00am – 3;02pm 

Bonus Period PE

Anchor Day 

8:15am – 3:02pm 

Bonus Period PE

South Lake Information and Resources

PTSA Information
You are amazing South Lake Sharks!!  We are getting so close to our Direction Donation and Membership goals!

  • We have 51 Memberships so far and our goal is 75!
  • We are almost halfway to our Direct Donation goal of $5K!

If we can get every family to donate $25or more, or even just what you can give, no donation is too small, every little bit helps. If we can do this then we will hit our goal!! PTSA needs these funds so we can continue providing and funding programs for our South Lake students, teachers and staff.  All funds raised go back to our students and school. Here are just a few programs PTSA sponsors at South Lake:




8th Grade Dance

Color Run

Math Competition

Ropes Course

PE Equipment

Technology & Media

Lunchtime Activities

Shark Shoppe

Classroom Supplies


Our South Lake community is like nothing other for Middle Schools. From the teachers, staff to the parents and kids, everyone is so generous, kind, warm and welcoming. We do a great job with taking care of each other, we take care of the school, and we take care of ourselves. South Lake cares and it shows through and through.
Let’s get this year started off right! We only need about $2,500 more dollars and about 25 members. And because we have the greatest community, we are going to change the deadline from 8/30 to Friday, September 6th.  Please visit our South Lake PTSA website to donate by clicking here at



If you have questions about PTSA or just curious what we do, how each process gets done, I am more than happy to help. We are all parents of South Lake students on the PTSA, and we volunteer to help the school stay awesome! Please feel free to ask about anything, I highly recommend you follow us on our South Lake PTSA Instagram account @southlakeptsa. It has up-to-date info posted as soon as we know about it. So please give us a follow on there. Or you can just click on this link below and it will take you to our PTSA webpage and you can find out a ton of info there!


Math Competition
We are excited to invite you to join our SLMS Math Competition Team! This is a fantastic opportunity for students to challenge their problem-solving abilities, improve their math skills, and help raise money for our PTSA and community. The team will practice once a week in person, starting the week of September 16th, in Room 503. The competition will take place on January 22nd.
Please click the link to sign up. If you have any questions, please feel free to email We hope to see your student join us for this exciting challenge!
PTSA Reflections Competition
We are thrilled to announce this year’s Reflections Art Program theme, “Accepting Imperfection.” Reflections has been inspiring students and bringing the arts to life for over 50 years, and we’re excited to continue that tradition at South Lake Middle School with your help.
What is Reflections?
The Reflections Program is a national PTA initiative that encourages students to explore their creativity and express themselves through art. Since 1969, more than 10 million students have participated, showcasing their talents and deepening their appreciation for the arts.
This Year’s Theme:
Accepting Imperfection” invites students to reflect on and explore the beauty and growth that can come from embracing imperfections. It’s a powerful theme that we believe will resonate with our 7th and 8th graders.
 Students are invited to submit original artwork in one or more of the following six categories:

  • Dance Choreography
  • Literature
  • Photography
  • Film Production
  • Music Composition
  • Visual Arts

Additionally, students with diverse abilities are encouraged to participate through the Accessible Arts Division.
Important Details:

  • Multiple Entries: Students may submit entries in more than one art category and more than one entry in a single art category.
  • Originality: Artwork MUST BE ORIGINAL and created specifically for this program and this year’s theme.
  • Individual Work: Only ONE STUDENT may create the work and be recognized as the award recipient, though other students may appear in the artwork itself.
  • Artist Statement: Students are required to use the ARTIST STATEMENT to express how their submission relates to the theme.

Submission Process:
 Students must submit an entry form online and upload their artwork by October 4th, 2024. Please advise students they will need a NON-school email to use for the google submission form. Students should be sure that they receive a confirmation of submission email once they submit. 
All entries will be celebrated and judged at the school level. Selected entries will then advance through the council and district levels, with the opportunity to be recognized at the state and national levels.
Guidelines and Resources:
For rules on each category and additional resources, please refer to the following link: If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our co-chairs. 
Annabelle Hartshorn-Cruz & Chelsea Ito
Reflections Co-Chairs 
South Lake Middle School PTSA

OCTA Transportation Information 
The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) is excited to announce the continuation of their “Youth Ride Free” promotional bus pass program.  This pass allows youth ages 6 to 18 to ride all OC fixed-route buses every day for free.  Last year’s purple/orange Youth Ride Free Passes expire September 30, 2024; the new blue Youth Ride Free Passes are valid nowthrough September 30, 2025, and require a new Parent Request Form for each recipient.  To participate in the program complete a new Parent Request Form, available using the below links, printed forms are also available in the front office. 
Return the completed and signed Parent Request Form to the front office to be issued a blue youth bus pass for the 2024-25 school year. 
Parent Request Form:

OC Bus Ride Guide – How to Ride:

For more information regarding the program visit:  OC Connect is another option for students. This is a free shuttle service that runs every 20 minutes between the northern end of Irvine and the Irvine Train Station.  This route drops off at Woodbridge High which is a short walk from here. The IrvineCONNECT webpage may be accessed through this link: On the webpage there is a link to track the shuttles in real time, which can be used in a similar way to watching for an Uber to see how far out it is.
e-Vehicle Registration
e-Vehicle Registration is required for students in IUSD wanting to ride and park their electric vehicle on campus. Students and at least one parent/guardian must attend eVehicle Training at one of the high schools. Upon completion of the orientation, students will be able to register their vehicle (e-bike, e-scooter, e-skateboard) with Mr. Vasquez, Campus Security, to receive a registration sticker to be able to park at school. Students are expected to adhere to ALL safety guidelines reviewed in the orientation in order to continue to park on campus. Students who attended in the past, do not need to attend again. 
Students who already have completed the training and have a sticker, MUST complete the SLMS e-Vehicle Registration Form 2024 and indicate your sticker number. Please submit to Mr. Vasquez at the start of school.  

Middle School Program (MSP)
If you are looking for great after school activities for your students that build community, have service components and are just plain fun…there are several upcoming events and classes to get involved with through our Middle School Programs hosted by the city of Irvine. Each of the linked flyers below have information about registration, cost and contact information. For more information, please contact Site Coordinator Karley Abeyrama at (949) 724-7190 or at  
Night at the Roller Rink – September 12th
Outdoor Adventures – September 13th – 30th on Fridays 
Knott's Scary Farm – September 27th & October 11th 
South Lake Movie Night – October 18th  
CO-ED Football – October 15th – November 7th (Tues & Thurs Practice) 
Youth Action Team - Fall
MSP Fall Registration

Bell Schedule
The 2024-2025 Bell Schedule includes all the minimum days and special schedules for the year.  Please make sure to review the start and end times for these schedules.  

Stay Connected
Stay connected by checking your email for communication from South Lake and IUSD.  South Lake is also on Instagram @southlakemiddleschool and our website is at

Upcoming Dates to Calendar
September 2nd - Labor Day (No School) 
September 4th – First Day of Shark Time
September 6th – Last day to donate to PTSA for Direct Donation 
September 20th – Make-up Picture Day