South Lake Newsletter - August 4, 2023

eBike Safety

Hello South Lake Community,

Every Friday afternoon, you will receive a Newsletter from South Lake including important news, information, resources, upcoming events and schedule. The Newsletter is intended to keep our community informed and stay connected to South Lake. Thank you for taking time each week to read it...we appreciate you!  To help support the safe and responsible use of e-vehicles (e-bikes, e-scooters and e-skateboards), Irvine Unified School District middle and high schools have partnered with the Irvine Police Depart and will host safety presentations as part of IUSD’s new mandatory e-vehicle registration program.  Middle and high school students who travel to and from school using an electric vehicle are required to attend one of the following e-Vehicle Safety Presentations by the Irvine Police Department. Middle school parent/guardian attendance is required to learn the rules and expectations of using e-vehicles safely and responsibly.  As our vital partners, your support is critical to helping keep students safe.    Students will learn:
  • About the different e-vehicles
  • Rules of the road and e-bike laws 
  • Helmet safety
  • Rules for e-bike passengers
  • How to avoid distracted operation of e-vehicles
  • Safety concerns
  • IUSD’s mandatory registration program and school procedures
Safety Presentation Dates
  • August 22, 6:00pm at Portola High School – Performing Arts Center
  • August 29, 6:00pm at Northwood High School – Performing Arts Center
  • September 5, 6:00pm at Irvine High School – Performing Arts Center
  • September 12, 6:00pm at Woodbridge High School – Performing Arts Center
  • September 14, 6:00pm at University High School – Multi-Purpose Room
Proof of Attendance and Parking Permit At the end of the presentation student attendees and their parent/guardian will fill out a digital verification of attendance form, which will be sent to their middle or high school of attendance. Students and their parent/guardian must also complete and submit a Student e-Vehicle Registration Form provided by their school during registration to obtain a parking permit sticker. Students are required to have a parking permit to park their e-vehicle on campus.  South Lake will open to the community on Tuesday, August 15th. Please reach out should you have any questions or need any supports for the start of the school year. It is important to complete all steps of the Online Registration Data Confirmation process prior to the start of the school year so that you and your student are set up for success. 

We look forward to seeing everyone during Shark Week...go Sharks!

Belinda Averill
South Lake Middle School 


Schedule for Week of 8/14 - 8/18






Summer Break

Front Office 

Shark Week 

7th Grade

Jan 1 - June 30 @8:30am July 1 - Dec 31 @10:30am


Shark Week 

7th Grade

Jan 1 - June 30 @8:30am July 1 - Dec 31 @10:30am Shark Family Social @12pm

Shark Week 

8th Grade

8:30 - 12:30pm  All 8th grade attend together
South Lake Announcements & Information 
Online Registration (Data Confirmation)  Complete Online Registration by going through all the Data Confirmation steps on the Parent Portal at Please refer to the Online Registration (Data Confirmation) Instructions  for steps to complete. Instructions include how to access your student contacts, links to important documents for the school year, and permission for required authorizations. 
  • Donations and Optional Items for Purchase are part of this process which can be completed online through or submitted by your student with cash/check at the start of the school year. Please see Instructions for Setting up an Account to set up your MySchoolBucks account. Items for purchase include Planner, Yearbook, PE Clothing etc. 
    • Please note, we are implementing a schoolwide Planner expectation that we will be reviewing the materials within the Planner with students during the first few weeks of school. All students will need to bring their Planner to school each day. 
    • The Physical Education Department requires all students to dress out for PE. You can purchase South Lake PE clothing at MySchoolBucks in conjunction with completing the PE Clothing Order Form. We have a new design this year (picture is on the order form) and encourage all students to purchase a new shirt. Students are able to bring in their own athletic clothing and/or shirt from last year to use if they prefer. Students will be issued a PE locker by their PE teacher after the start of the school year. 
    • We strongly encourage donations to our academic, athletic and technology programs to support class activities. All donations go directly to the classroom to provide materials, equipment and other items much needed to allow for enriched learning. 
  • Online Re-Registration (Data Confirmation) must be completed by August 24th.
Shark Week  Shark Week is our unique way of welcoming students to South Lake. Please note that this is not a registration event. Students are encouraged, but not required, to attend and there are no make-up sessions. 
  • Shark Week for 8th grade students is at South Lake from 8:30am - 12:30pm on August 18th.  We have an exciting event planned for students to reconnect with their classmates and have some fun together. 
  • Shark Week for 7th grade students is for incoming students to have fun learning about South Lake, becoming familiar with staff and our school, and meeting new friends so we hope your student attends! For grade specific groups organized by birthday – see the dates and times below. Please direct specific questions about Shark Week to our Shark Week Coordinator, Coach Doan at  

Birthday Range


7th Grade Dates

Cohort A

January 1 – June 30

8:30am  - 10:00am

August 16th & 17th

Cohort B

July 1 – December 31

10:30am – 12:00pm

August 16th & 17th

Ex. a 7th grader with a birthday in September attends on the 16th and 17th from 10:30-12:00 pm

All families are invited to our Shark Week Family Social on August 17th from 12:00 to 2:00pm, sponsored by our PTSA. We will have food trucks, volleyball and games so come on over and have some fun and get to know Shark families in our community. Materials  Textbooks & Chromebooks will be checked out to students during the first full week of school. Returning 8th graders will need to bring their charged Chromebook to school with them. We will be checking out Chromebooks to incoming 7th grade students at school. We do not publish a specific school supply list. There will be some minimal supplies suggested by specific classes like a binder, pen and pencils which will be indicated on the syllabus for the class. Student Schedules Student schedules will be available Tuesday, August 22nd. Please know that we have made every effort to enroll students in their top elective choices during one of their three trimesters. Students who did not fully complete their elective registration in the spring have been enrolled into electives randomly. We are also using recommendations for the previous school year for placement in our Intervention classes. We will not be able to make changes unless it’s for an 8th grade student in a repeat elective, and we ask that you model a growth mindset for your student as all our electives are great! Shark Time Shark Time assignments will be shared during Homeroom on the first full week of school.  Students are assigned based on student need and interest. Students will learn more about what they will be doing in their Shark Time on their first day of Shark Time on September 6th.  Parent Orientation  Parent Orientation on August 24th is highly encouraged for all parents to attend. Principal Averill and Assistant Principal Wang will be reviewing essential information about South Lake to assist you in setting up your child for success. 
  • 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm - 8th Grade Parents 
  • 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm - 7th Grade Parents  
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 852 0581 6356 Passcode: 9YxCDQ   Bell Schedule  The 2023-2024 Bell Schedule includes all the minimum days and special schedules for the year.  Please make sure to review the start and end times for these schedules. New Programs to South Lake  We are excited to be offering some new programs this year at South Lake. We will be launching AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) at South Lake and have our first 8th grade group participating in this college and career readiness program. This national program is new to IUSD and we are excited about the opportunities this program will afford so many students in our community. In addition, we are going to be launching our first English Language Development Program for Newcomers to the country. We are going to be able to target language acquisition and development through our ELD 1 and 2 courses. Lastly, we are expanding our Autism Specific Program and opening another class to support the unique needs of students in our community.  Stay Connected Stay connected by checking your email for communication from South Lake and IUSD.  South Lake is also on Instagram @southlakemiddleschool and our website is at
Upcoming Events
August 1st - First day of Re-registration onlineAugust 16th & 17th - 7th Grade Shark WeekAugust 17th - Shark Week Family SocialAugust 18th - 8th Grade Shark Week August 24th - Online Registration (Data Confirmation) Due August 24th - First Day of School for 7th grade students - Minimum DayAugust 24th - Parent Orientation on Zoom August 25th - First Day of School for 8th grade studentsSeptember 1st - Picture Day - students take their school pictures during PESeptember 1st - Minimum DaySeptember 4th - Labor Day (No School) September 7th - Back to School NightSeptember 8th - Minimum Day